Jason Wilkinson


Jason is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and owner of Wellspace Counseling, located in Tigard, Oregon. He uses Restoration Therapy to counsel couples who want to steer from conflict into compassionate communication, as well as assist adults experiencing anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Jason received an MA in Marriage, Couples, Family Counseling from George Fox University and his MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a speaker and has provided adjunct teaching at George Fox University. During his spare time, Jason can be found playing with his family, watching baseball, hiking, reading, playing guitar, and trying to talk people out of running for recreation (it just looks so painful).

Website: wellspacepdx.com

Email: jason@wellspacepdx.com

RT Certifications

RT Therapist – Level II, RT Consultant, RT Trainer


Oregon, OR
United States