Steven Perez


Steven Perez
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor #11596

Steven aims to help clients realize the growth and healing they desire through an
engaging and collaborative therapeutic experience. By valuing the individual stories of
his clients, Steven helps them to gain insights into their past that serve as a catalyst
for change in the present. Whether feeling stuck, alone, anxious, ashamed, or
frustrated, Steven believes that there is hope in all situations and works to empower
his clients to experience breakthroughs.

Steven specializes in working with couples, but his work as a pastor and a missionary
has given him experience in working with families, individuals, men’s issues, and

Steven is married with three kids and enjoys days at the beach with his family, cycling,
golf, and soccer.Credentials:MA Educational and Clinical Counseling Azusa Pacific University

Certified Level 2 Restoration Therapist
Turning From Anxiety Leader
Marriage Strong Certified Leader
Prepare and Enrich Certified Facilitator
BA University of California San Diego

RT Certifications

RT Therapist – Level II, RT Therapist – Level I, Turning from Anxiety Leader

Carlsbad, CA
United States